"Cuz everything is REEEEENNNT!"
I just foun
d out that the musical, RENT, is coming back to Chicago in the Spring. But this time, with a little something special: The original cast members to play Roger and Mark are back! Yes, the two from the movie version :) Those two are some of my favorites;Adam Pascal (roger) is beautifulllll. And, I don't think anyone can play Mark like Anthony Rapp... So to say I'm excited for this is a complete understatement! RENT is a story that should be told over and over again. The theme of the play is definatley love, and you feel it the second the curtain rises. I saw a production of it a few years ago, probably when I was about 15 years old. I
loved it then! But now, at 18...going to college in Chicago has altered my perception of the message; things are different. There's a bond that unites friends in college that doesn't unite friend's in high school.(Especially when you're trying to make it in a big city that can be scary at times) You know, At this age (entering adulthood and trying to figure stuff out)we're all united in a common struggle. But the struggle isn't bad or hurtful. It's exciting because it's a part of growing up and you never know where it will take you. That's what RENT symbolizes for me I guess: Honest friendship, a celebration of love and the hard times that make us who we are. The battles we fight in the name of what we love and for the person we want to become make us stronger.

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