Friday, March 20, 2009

CROCS: Don't walk this way!

Okay, so I havn't written in this blog for a long time! Life got in the way. But, now I'm on my Spring Break and have some time to reflect on some things. I was inspired to write this blog while watching What Not To Wear. I saw a woman wearing these...Oh hell no. no no no... I hate when people play the "They're comfortable!" card. Please, I'd rather you go barefoot than wear Barney's footwear. Forget the plethora of ultra violet colors to choose from, these shoes are ridiculous. There are only two kinds of people who can wear these: Clowns and the occasional chef, like the great Mario Batali.


Aussie said...

oh god those are disgusting.
someone on the Tyra Show decided to play the comfort card.

-much love

Jack Daniel said...

Awwwww maaaaaaan, they're FUGLY!

....hahaha. They just are.