A Sweet Escape...
I'm sitting in my living room, freezing. My house has too many large windows, and they fe
el like sheets of ice. It's cold.My insides even feel cold. Everything has been zapped of color...it's all gone grey and diseased. The snow is somewhat glittery, but that's the only semblance of "pretty" within my sight.

I'm remembering a few days in June spent in Playa Del Carmen Mexico (just outside of Cancun) for my sister's wedding. I don't think I've ever felt warmer! I had never seen a shooting star before this trip! There are alot of lights in the city you know... My hair was always luscious and curly, borderline frizz but I didn't care! My skin was kissed, actually kind of bitten by the sun. I swam in The Carribean Sea for the first time, almost died but whatever. I miss Mexico on days like this. I appreciate this ice, snow, sleet, bitter harsh wind because it's a part of Winter. I love Winter, and I miss it in the summer! See, that's how it is with me: The grass is always greener on the other side. I'm only satisfied for a little while. For the moment, I'm living inside of a memory: stretched out on a blue and white striped beach chair, sprawled out, tanned, my skin hot and my eyes unable to stay open for too long. The sun eclipses everything, and I can breathe the fresh air drenched in tropical aromas. No where to go, no one to see...just me and the Carribean. Where are the pirates?
Let's go back to Cancun my darlings...
Let's go back to Cancun my darlings...

Summer is the best isn't it?
If only you can alter the seasons like you can on The Sims and have it summer all year round lol.
Winter is so bleak, for so many reasons...It's harsh, cruel, and bitter.
Give me warmth, love and smiles any day.
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