On June 15th 2009, I was in the presence of absolute genius. His name is Patrick Wolf and chances are that you don’t know exactly who this guy is. This is what I can’t stand about the U.S. The taste in music is usually based on popularity. And popularity is based on how often you hear an artist on the radio or the easy to remember, meaningless lyrics like, “I wanna take a ride on your disco stick.” (I don’t like Gaga) Yeah…okay.
Well, Patrick writes his own music, uses his own voice and plays several instruments to top that off. I love music with emotion, with words that I can relate to. The songs are like stories. He creates characters, gives them life and releases them to us to keep. I titled this “…The Libertine” because that’s one of my favorite songs of his. A libertine usually points to someone with sexual freedom (which he definitely has) but I see it more as someone completely unbound and unchained. That’s what we all strive to become, but I truly think Patrick is unparalleled with his ability to be uncensored and unapologetic. I love him for that and always will.
One of my favorite parts about him is his style. He is completely story book…The Mad Hatter meets Charlie Chaplin, meets Peter Pan. His clothes are genius (when he wears clothes, that is)
My photos, my videos...
P.S. Before he played the song ‘Paris’ (one of my favs!) he nodded at me…looking dead at me. I mean come on, how insane is that?! I must have looked very happy for him to do that, and I was…completely! Here's the video, it happens at about 22 seconds.
So I waited a loooong time for him to finally come on stage. This was the Nylon Summer Concert tour and there were three opening acts. Jaguar Love, The plastiscines and Living Things. My favorite was The plastiscines, an all girl rock band from France. They had great style, and I found their lyrics to be anthem like. Complete girl power, complete confidence. They were very French, very “ I can get away with anything, If I just smile at you.” Which is a rule I’ve always lived by. Put on the charm, and you’ll get what you want ;)

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