I wasn’t prepared to hear that Michael Jackson, The King of Po
p , had died on Thursday afternoon. I was in my Holocaust class (of all classes) when peoples’ phones started buzzing with texts. The next thing you know, “Michael Jackson is dead…” was on repeat every two seconds. “What?!” I thought… How could he be dead? A world without Michael Jackson is like a world without simple everyday encounters like stop signs or door knobs. He comes with the package of life. His is the soundtrack to all of our lives. That’s the deal right? We’re supposed to keep him forever. It isn’t so. We have lost an icon of the universe. His career is the epitome of epic. He is and will always be the height of musical genius. Thriller was the best selling album in all of history. Will that ever happen again? No, the reign of Michael Jackson cannot and will not be replicated. I don’t care who you are or what you do. You will never be able to do THAT. And what was THAT? I have no idea…no one does. His presence, his iconic style, his voice, his melodies and rhythms are simply all his and no one else’s.

His influence on fashion alone is one of his most memorable contributions. The military jackets, the gloves, the colors, the sparkle, the leather, the EVERYTHING was out of this world.

Say what you want about his infamy. I’m not interested in that. He was misunderstood. End of story. Let’s move past all the things he allegedly did and remember the complete brilliance he created on stage. He wrote most if not all of his songs, and there was always light shed on something difficult to understand about the world in his lyrics. His melodies were like the neon colors in the crayon box. When you hear a song like Beat It or You Rock My World, you can't help but get up and move, snap your fingers, tap your foot. He is timeless. And his legend will absolutley live on.

His moves...a must see.
Beat it, live.
Best of Dangerous Tour...
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