Wednesday, December 23, 2009
The Young Victoria

Posted by Melanie Bianca at 8:49 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Posted by Melanie Bianca at 4:22 PM 0 comments
Saturday, July 25, 2009
I love you Ralph Lauren...
Purple?! Come on, it was made for ME!
Posted by Melanie Bianca at 5:52 PM 2 comments
Friday, July 3, 2009
How to do a t-shirt the right way...

P.S. I love leggings. They became "tweeny" in like 2005 when everyone was trying to wear them with sequined handbags. *barfness* But now, it is possible to give them back their dignity. Faux leather, neon electric blue...whatever! They work...

Posted by Melanie Bianca at 6:12 PM 0 comments
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Long Live The Last King

His influence on fashion alone is one of his most memorable contributions. The military jackets, the gloves, the colors, the sparkle, the leather, the EVERYTHING was out of this world.

Say what you want about his infamy. I’m not interested in that. He was misunderstood. End of story. Let’s move past all the things he allegedly did and remember the complete brilliance he created on stage. He wrote most if not all of his songs, and there was always light shed on something difficult to understand about the world in his lyrics. His melodies were like the neon colors in the crayon box. When you hear a song like Beat It or You Rock My World, you can't help but get up and move, snap your fingers, tap your foot. He is timeless. And his legend will absolutley live on.

His moves...a must see.
Beat it, live.
Best of Dangerous Tour...
Posted by Melanie Bianca at 7:53 PM 0 comments
Patrick Wolf, The Libertine
Well, Patrick writes his own music, uses his own voice and plays several instruments to top that off. I love music with emotion, with words that I can relate to. The songs are like stories. He creates characters, gives them life and releases them to us to keep. I titled this “…The Libertine” because that’s one of my favorite songs of his. A libertine usually points to someone with sexual freedom (which he definitely has) but I see it more as someone completely unbound and unchained. That’s what we all strive to become, but I truly think Patrick is unparalleled with his ability to be uncensored and unapologetic. I love him for that and always will.
One of my favorite parts about him is his style. He is completely story book…The Mad Hatter meets Charlie Chaplin, meets Peter Pan. His clothes are genius (when he wears clothes, that is)
My photos, my videos...
P.S. Before he played the song ‘Paris’ (one of my favs!) he nodded at me…looking dead at me. I mean come on, how insane is that?! I must have looked very happy for him to do that, and I was…completely! Here's the video, it happens at about 22 seconds.
So I waited a loooong time for him to finally come on stage. This was the Nylon Summer Concert tour and there were three opening acts. Jaguar Love, The plastiscines and Living Things. My favorite was The plastiscines, an all girl rock band from France. They had great style, and I found their lyrics to be anthem like. Complete girl power, complete confidence. They were very French, very “ I can get away with anything, If I just smile at you.” Which is a rule I’ve always lived by. Put on the charm, and you’ll get what you want ;)

Posted by Melanie Bianca at 7:34 PM 0 comments
Monday, June 22, 2009
There is a castle on a cloud...
Posted by Melanie Bianca at 6:25 PM 0 comments
Friday, June 12, 2009
'The strange world of MIKA'

A journalist's job is to observe, and it's fitting that a UK publication like The Observer did just that with MIKA. They came up with the conclusion that the world of MIKA is in every way 'strange'. Having spent the last year and a bit studying journalism and all of its ethical standards, I can remind everyone that the subjet (MIKA) has no say in how the article looks at the end or what is written/ how the story is told. I think that's fair, and I think it's what's great about freedom of the press. I havn't read any article yet, though I definatley will when it becomes available to me. This video makes me happy, it brings me back into his world. I say it's "his" world because it absolutley is ALL his. He created it, he imagined it, he brought it to life. Do I think Mika's world is strange? I havn't decided. Do I think he thinks his world is strange? Who knows. For me there is something in his art, his writing, his voice that is so familiar to me that it becomes less foreign. He exposes the world's true colors in this cartoon way. As a result, life for us, the observers, is a bit less daunting and alot more beautiful.
Watch the video and if you're not already in love with him, you certainly will be...

Posted by Melanie Bianca at 1:03 PM 0 comments
Saturday, May 30, 2009
MANGO: Penélope Cruz

Posted by Melanie Bianca at 2:18 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
No more H8!

Posted by Melanie Bianca at 6:55 PM 0 comments
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Isn't she lovely...

Posted by Melanie Bianca at 10:32 AM 0 comments