So, when I know something, I know it well. Rocker sex appeal...THAT I know. In the new millenium, we've seen eye liner,spiked hair,black nail polish etc... I was tired of it. Than a little band came into my life the summer of 2008. Hello lover! Where have you been all my life?! I love MGMT.There's no way to justify it. They're amazing. The music is an acid trip without the actual acid. Aft
er hearing a few songs for the first time, I declared myself a fan. However, as soon as I stumbled upon their pictures, I realized that YES, THIS IS WHAT I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR! These guys are the reincarnation of 1967, in a nut shell. To be a grungy, hippy trippy, adorable, flower child, while still belonging to the 21st century...well, that's just groovy, outa sight and completley rad. Let us ponder these lovely boys :) It must be said, I am partial to Andrew. He rocks my world...

Note. Photo Below is NOT Andrew, but still a cute drummer for the band... ;)